Rachel Leigh Caldwell

author | speaker | coach | dance educator

Check it out!

Healthy Relationships = Healthy Team

Ten Keys for Building Positive Dance Team Culture

Healthy Relationships = Healthy Team Book Cover

Hi friend! I love helping teams thrive! How can I serve you and your team?

I have been described as a “chronically optimistic encourager.” And…it’s true!! I am an ENCOURAGER at my core. How can I help bring courage to you and your team? I’d love to work with you, whether in a team building or leadership workshop, movement workshop, or as a guest speaker!

Team Building Workshop

Team Building & Leadership Workshops

Rachel offers workshops to help your team thrive! Click "Learn More" below to check out specific workshop topics.

Movement Workshops

Movement Workshops

With over 14 years of teaching experience, Rachel incorporates an understanding of technique and kinesiology into practical workshops designed for dance team students. Schedule a single workshop or a workshop series!


Are you looking for someone to motivate and encourage your group? Rachel loves to bring energy and life to groups! Check out topics by clicking "Learn More" below.

"Rachel Caldwell is truly a one of a kind teacher, leader and friend. Her heart shines through in everything she does. Rachel has such a passion for people and helping each individual she meets become his or her best self."

Kayla Sokoloff, Dulles Dolls Director


Whether you’re curious about workshops, book orders, or even press, contact me to have your questions answered!